
Do more with Hubspot data

We’re attending Inbound 2019 this week so Hubspot data has been top of mind. 

We help clients work with Hubpost in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways you could be doing more with your Hubspot data.

1. The lowest hanging fruit:  Combine your Hubspot data with other sources and build a true data warehouse.

The easiest way to fully leverage your Hubspot data is to combine with other sources of data to give yourself a 360 degree view of your customer. This is done by building a centralized data warehouse.  We suggest BigQuery or Snowflake. Building a warehouse is easier than it’s ever been before and companies of all sizes can start centralizing their data to unlock insights and efficiencies. (Imagine finally stopping all your daily/weekly Excel wrangling!)

Once your data is centralized, you can hook-up a BI tool like Looker or Chartio and start building a centralized overview into your operations.  Picture a dashboard showing web visitors from Google Analytics, Marketing Qualified Leads from Hubspot, and Sales Qualified Leads from Salesforce.  Lastly, layer in revenue information and you have a full picture into your customer’s funnel–enabling use cases across Customer Success, Sales, and Finance. 

By modeling your data in a warehouse, you’ll be able to build one source of the truth and avoid data chaos.

Bottom line: Build a warehouse to combine data sources together. Then model your data to ensure you have one source of the truth across your organization.

2.  Start doing true Hubspot pipeline reporting

Hubspot CRM is awesome, especially for the price. We use it here at Hashpath. But in order to truly understand your pipeline, you need to understand how your pipeline changes over time. Is your pipeline growing because you are doing a better job prospecting? Or it is growing because you aren’t closing deals? Hubspot provides mechanisms for customers to extract this data via the API but that’s the only way to it. Storing Hubspot data over time provides greater insights than you can get by looking at your current Hubspot data directly.  There are also 3rd party integrators who help extract this.  

Bottom line: if you are using Hubspot CRM you should be doing more custom pipeline reporting.

3. For agencies, start building better reporting for your clients. 

For agencies, delivering value with data and analytics can be a major competitive differentiator. This type of reporting is often quite manual, and most agencies have not invested in their reporting infrastructure. If you first centralize your data, you can quickly create a client portal to drive client insights and client stickiness.  Customers love when you share their own data back with them when it’s enhanced with other useful and insightful data. We talk much more about this in our data sharing blog post.  

Bottom line:  Agencies can build loyalty and deliver more client value by building out their data capabilities. 

Want to grab coffee at the conference? Shoot me a note to or find me on the Inbound 2019 app.

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